What I Like About Bacon.js
11 Jan 2016These are notes from a class I taught on bacon.js
Event Listeners become Event Streams
Wrap your events in bacon! This common pattern
$("#clickme").on('click', function(event){ alert(event.target)})
var clicked = $("#btn").asEventStream('click');
clicked.onValue(function(event){ alert(event.target) });
You can give asEventStream the same arguments as jQuery.on.
$("div").asEventStream("click", ".specific-selector",function(e){})
Bacon can also create a stream by wrapping a promise object.
Bacon.fromPromise($.ajax({ url : "/sup.json"})) ;
or an event
Bacon.fromEvent(document.body, "click");
Bacon provides an abstraction for the common pattern in which you want to update a value asynchronously. It does this by allowing streams to become Properties, which are like streams but take the last value passed as the current value.
You can give .toPoperty a starting value until data gets sent down the stream.
This will contain the default value of true until it changes, then keep the the latest value.
var checked = $("#checkbox").asEventStream('click')
.map(function(e){ return e.target.value })
EventStreams and Properties are both “Observables” and share some methods that also return observables for chaining.
- .subscribe - Attaches a handler and returns an unsubscribe function.
- .onValue - assigns a function to be called for each new value and returns an unsubscribe. These are good for adding side-effects. The difference between onValue and subscribe is that subscribe handlers get events while onValue gets the value of the stream.
- .onValues is like the above, but if the value is an array it passes the it as function arguments
- .toPromise - takes a promise constructor if given followign the ESS6 implementation. The promise is resolved with the last event from the observable
- .firstToPromise - returns a promise with the first event from the observable
This is really cool because of the power this abstraction affords. You can now manipulate events as they travel through your code using all those functional tools you love.
.map(function(event) { return $(event.target).val() })
You may be familiar with group, flatMap, join, reduce, combine, transform, skip, filter, take, merge, first, transform.
See http://www.cheatography.com/proloser/cheat-sheets/bacon-js/ for a complete list with descriptions.
Defining your own event sources
You can define your sources using Bacon.fromBinder. It takes a function that gets passed a function to send events and returns a function that is called to unsubscribe from the event stream.
var event = Bacon.Next("This is a way to create a Bacon event");
var myStream = Bacon.fromBinder(function(send){
send(1); // can send values
send(event); // can take an event object
send(Bacon.Error("fail")); // or an error
send(new Bacon.End()); // returning Bacon.End indicates the stream is over
var rsvps = Bacon.fromBinder(function(sink) {
return $.noop;
Repeat is interesting for asynchronous patterns.
From the docs
Bacon.repeat(fn) Calls generator function which is expected to return an observable. The returned EventStream contains values and errors from the spawned observable. When the spawned observable ends, the generator is called again to spawn a new observable.
This is repeated until the generator returns a falsy value (such as undefined or false).
We can use this for a long-polling application where we want to keep a local mirror of a remote resource.
var ajaxParams = { url: "/resource.json", timeout: 1000000 }
var localResource = Bacon.repeat(function(){
return Bacon.fromPromise($.ajax(ajaxParams)));
Warning: Lazy Evaluation
LE is a good thing because it can minimize the amount of iteration necessary, but it can lead to traps. Remember that functions are not evaluated when they’re called like in _ , they are evaluated when necessary, so try to not use mutable variables from another scope in a closure.
Function construction
Bacon has some jazz that saves you from always having to create functions manually for certain tasks.
At least onValue, onError, onEnd, doAction, map, filter, assign, takeWhile, mapError support function construction.
You can pass a handler an object and a method name.
.onValue($("#name"), 'text');
That’s equivalent to
var name = $('#name');
You can also access attributes declarativly.
// is the same as
// you can map things to constants
When setting a handler, the remaining arguments gets passed to the function.
stream.map(function(text, value){ return text+value; }, "hello");
These are special EventStreams with a push method that adds events to the stream. They can also be composed with other EventStreams.
var bus = Bacon.Bus(); // creates bus
bus.push(1); // add value to stram
bus.end() // ends the stream
bus.error(error) // sends an error to all subscribers
bus.plug(stream) // funnels an event stream into the bus
Lastly, event streams can me merged. This is really useful.